SOC 202 exam on 22nd of July, 2024. This is the compilation of all the materials sent to us on...
AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY These are the informations you need before choosing AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY in Nigerian Polytechnics. These are the JAMB subject combination, requirements and the Polytechnics that...
CARTOGRAPHY AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM These are the informations you need before choosing CARTOGRAPHY AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM in Nigerian Polytechnics. These are the JAMB subject...
CERAMICS TECHNOLOGY These are the informations you need before choosing CERAMICS TECHNOLOGY in Nigerian Polytechnics. These are the JAMB subject combination, requirements and the Polytechnics that...
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY These are the informations you need before choosing CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY in Nigerian Polytechnics. These are the JAMB subject combination, requirements and the...
BANKING AND FINANCE These are the informations you need before choosing BANKING AND FINANCE in Nigerian Polytechnics. These are the JAMB subject combination, requirements and the...
BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY These are the informations you need before choosing BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY In Nigerian Polytechnic. These are the JAMB subject combination, requirements and the...
BOAT AND SHIP BUILDING ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY These are the informations you need before choosing BOAT AND SHIP BUILDING ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY In Nigerian Polytechnic. These are the...
ARTS AND INDUSTRIAL DESIGN These are the informations you need before choosing ARTS AND INDUSTRIAL DESIGN In Nigerian Polytechnic. These are the JAMB subject combination, requirements...
ARTS AND DESIGN These are the informations you need before choosing ARTS AND DESIGN In Nigerian Polytechnic. These are the JAMB subject combination, requirements and the...
ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY These are the informations you need before choosing ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY In Nigerian Polytechnic. These are the JAMB subject combination, requirements and the Polytechnics that...
AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING/TECHNOLOGY These are the informations you need before choosing AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING/TECHNOLOGY In Nigerian Polytechnic. These are the JAMB subject combination, requirements and the Polytechnics that...
AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY These are the informations you need before choosing AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY In Nigerian Polytechnic. These are the JAMB subject combination, requirements and the...
These are the informations you need before choosing AGRICULTURAL AND BIO-ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY In Nigerian Polytechnic. These are the JAMB subject combination, requirements and the Polytechnics...
GREGORY UNIVERSITY, UTURU, ABIA STATE – COURSES GUU Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for each of the courses as...
GREENFIELD UNIVERSITY, KASARAMI, KADUNA STATE – COURSES GFU Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for each of the courses as...
GODFREY OKOYE UNIVERSITY, URGWUOMU- NIKE, ENUGU STATE – COURSES GoUNI Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for each of the...
ACCOUNTANCY These are the informations you need before choosing Accountancy in Nigerian Polytechnic. These are the JAMB subject combination, requirements and the Polytechnics that offer them...
FOUNTAIN UNIVERSITY, OSOGBO, OSUN STATE – COURSES FUO Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for each of the courses as...
EVANGEL UNIVERSITY, AKAEZE, EBONYI STATE – COURSES EUA Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for each of the courses as...
ELIZADE UNIVERSITY, ILARA-MOKIN, ONDO STATE – COURSES EU Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for each of the courses as...