About God (Message Review)
Your Commitment To All Kinds Of Prayer

Your Commitment To All Kinds Of Prayer
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You can download the audio message here.“If the devil wants to work the backsliding of someone, he starts with the person’s prayer life…”
Prayer is like the fuel in the car. You have a good engine, yes, you have the word, yes, you understand, but, you still need fuel with your good engine and that is prayer.
Give yourself to prayer. If you cannot pray, you cannot live a holy life. Temptations are many, you are not too holy for satan to tempt, meet the devil at the gate of prayer and smash him down. If the devil wants to work the backsliding of someone, he starts with the person’s prayer life.
There are different types of prayer and invite the Holy Spirit to help you pray.
Eph 6: 18:
” Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;”Kinds of Prayer
- Prayer of Personal Repentance:
- Prayer of Restoration: Ps 51:1-4 Acknowledge your sins, confess all your sins and plead with God to restore you
- Prayer of thorough cleansing and sanctification: Ps. 57:5-7
- Prayer of daily Holiness: Ps 139:23-24
- Prayer of petition: Jer. 29:11-13, Mat. 7:7-11
- Prayer of intercession: Praying for others Eph 6:18-20, Heb 13:18, 2 Thess 3:1-3, 1Tim. 2:1-2. Pray for everybody, for all men, for your leaders, for your school, for people to come to the knowledge of the truth.
- Prayer of spiritual warfare: Eph 6:10-18 Ps. 118 :10-12, Ps. 35:1-10,ps.18:1-21
- Prayer of agreement: You and your brother, join hands to pray! The devil knows God will answer your prayers and you join hands together to pray, that is why he is causing quarrels between you and your brother, agree together and pray!
- Prayer of praise and thanksgiving: Eph:5:20
How To Strengthen Your Prayer
- Pray and believe, take time to confess that you believe, the doer is God, you just go and say it.
- Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there
- Have prayer retreat
- Join prayer warriors
- Add fasting to your prayer
- Attend vigils
- Claim God’s promises for you
- Learn how to pray alone
- Make prayer degrees
- Also, pray in groups
- Speak out your belief, confess that you have received what you have asked
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