This PDF is your ultimate study guide for OAU CHM 307 for the 2023/2024 session. It contains everything we covered in class, no more searching for...
This file is the contains the PDF of OAU CHM 305 class note for 2023/2024 session. I would advise to read class notes along with the...
This file contains the PDF of OAU CHM 303 class note for 2023/2024 session. This file will continually be updated as lectures continues. Keep checking for...
This is contains all the slides released for CHM 301 for the 2023/2024 session. It will continually be updated as soon as the new ones are...
Take the quiz provided to assess your readiness for the upcoming Post UTME exam.
Hey there, OAU first year science students! I know you are new here and you need to know what’s up. MTH 101, CHM 101, CHM 102...
MTH 201, CHM 201, CHM 203, PHY 205 Materials [Slides and Class Notes] OAU Attention all OAU students! Are you ready to dive into the world...