FEDERAL SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORKS, EMENE, ENUGU (FSSW-EMENE) – List Of Courses FSSW-EMENE Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for...
FEDERAL SCHOOL OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, LAGOS (SBE-LUTH) -List of Courses SBE-LUTH Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for each course,...
FEDERAL COOPERATIVE COLLEGE, ENUGU STATE (FEDCOOP-OJI) – List Of Courses FEDCOOP-OJI Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for each course, and...
FEDERAL COOPERATIVE COLLEGE, KADUNA (FEDCOOP-KD) – List Of Courses FEDCOOP-KD Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for each course, and other...
FEDERAL COOPERATIVE COLLEGE, IBADAN (FEDCOOP-IBD) – List Of Courses FEDCOOP-IBD Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for each course, and...
FEDERAL COLLEGE OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT, NEW BUSSA, NIGER STATE (FEDWILD-NBUS) – List Of Courses FEDWILD-NBUS Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and...
FEDERAL COLLEGE OF ORTHOPEDIC TECHNOLOGY, IGBOBI, LAGOS STATE (FECOT) List Of Courses FECOT Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for...
FEDERAL COLLEGE OF LAND RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY, OWERRI, IMO STATE (FCLT-OWER) – List Of Courses FCLT-OWER Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and...
FEDERAL COLLEGE OF LAND RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY, KURU, JOS, PLATEAU STATE (FCLRT-KURU) – List Of Courses FCLRT-KURU Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements...
FEDERAL COLLEGE OF HORTICULTURE, DADINKOWA, GOMBE STATE (FEDHORT-GOM) – List Of Courses FEDHORT-GOM Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for...