PETROLEUM TRAINING INSTITUTE, EFFURUN, DELTA (PTI) – List Of Courses PTI Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for each course, and...
NIGERIAN NAVY SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCE, OFFA, KWARA (NNS-OFFA) – List Of Courses NNS-OFFA Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations...
NIGERIAN NAVY SCHOOL OF FINANCE AND LOGISTICS COLLEGE, OWERRINTA, ABIA (NNFLC) – List Of Courses NNFLC Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and...
NIGERIAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND GEOSCIENCE, JOS (NIMG) – List Of Courses NIMG Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for each...
NIGERIAN INSTITUTE OF LEATHER TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE TECH. KADUNA (NILEST) – List Of Courses NILEST Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations...
NIGERIAN COLLEGE OF AVIATION TECHNOLOGY, ZARIA (NCAT-ZAR) – List Of Courses NCAT-ZAR Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for each course,...
NIGERIAN ARMY COLLEGE OF NURSING & MIDWIFERY, YABA, LAGOS (NACNM) – List Of Courses NACNM Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations...
NIGERIAN ARMY COLLEGE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, OJO, LAGOS (NACOMEDS) – List Of Courses NACOMEDS Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations...
NIGERIAN AIR FORCE COLLEGE OF NURSING, MANDO, KADUNA (NAF-CN) – List Of Courses NAF-CN Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for...
NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES INSTITUTE, MANDO, KADUNA (NWRI-MANDO) – List Of Courses NWRI-MANDO Courses are listed below. The JAMB subject combination, subject requirements and combinations for each course,...