Description of the position of electrons relative to the atomic nucleus is closely related to emission and absorption of electromagnetic radiation. Therefore we are going to look a bit more into this topic. Energy can be transported by electromagnetic radiation as waves. The wavelength can VaIY from 10-12 meter (gamma radiation) to 104 meter (AM radio waves). Visible light is also electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths varying from 4x 1 0-7 meter (purple light) to 7x 10-7 meter (red light). Thus visible light only comprises a very small part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum,
Light with different wavelengths have different colours. White light consists of light with all wavelengths in the visible spectrum, The relationship between wavelength and frequency is given by the following equation:
Description of the position of electrons relative to the atomic nucleus is closely related to emission and absorption of electromagnetic radiation. Therefore we are going to look a bit more into this topic. Energy can be transported by electromagnetic radiation as waves. The wavelength can VaIY from 10-12 meter (gamma radiation) to 104 meter (AM radio waves). Visible light is also electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths varying from 4x 1 0-7 meter (purple light) to 7x 10-7 meter (red light). Thus visible light only comprises a very small part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum,
Light with different wavelengths have different colours. White light consists of light with all wavelengths in the visible spectrum, The relationship between wavelength and frequency is given by the following equation: